The Great British Franchisee Awards focuses on the people who have made UK franchising a success. We recognise the outstanding performance of franchisees, regardless of the size of their business or the sector they work in.
The winners of the first ever round of the Great British Franchisee Awards 2021 have been announced. Judged by a prestigious judging panel of industry experts, all the winners demonstrated what it takes to be Great British Franchisees:
We are delighted to announce the winners of the first round of the Great British Franchisee Awards 2021 are:
The judging panel consisted of Suki Dehal - Lloyds Bank, Head of Franchising, Aman Nirwal – BDO, Senior Key Account Manager Franchising, Euan Fraser - AMO Consulting, and Derrick Simpson, Companion of the British Franchise Association.
“I am thoroughly enjoyed reviewing all the applications and it has been so refreshing to see how all sizes of businesses from various sectors have coped and adapted their business in response to not only Covid-19 but looking at sustainable growth and business resilience for many years to come. It was great to see so many applications and from a cross section of franchisees too,” Aman Nirwal, BDO.
“We are delighted with the number of high-quality franchisees who entered the awards. The winners all demonstrated what it takes to be Great British Franchisees,” Johnny Sellyn, whichfranchise.