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Anne Downey, Right at Home franchisee Nottingham North


Laying the first building blocks of a Right at Home business and getting it off the ground to a point where it is trading with healthy sales and Client enquiries takes commitment, determination and resilience, and Anne Downey’s story is a case in point.

After purchasing RaH Nottingham North in November 2021, Anne, like most Franchise Owners in our network, has faced several challenges, from adapting to what can be a highly pressurised managerial role, with responsibility for vulnerable people’s welfare, to recruiting and retaining quality staff to meet demand and grow the business.

But with a strong work ethic and faith in RaH’s proven model, not forgetting the huge rewards that come with making a positive difference to people’s lives, Anne has learnt how to overcome these obstacles and is now on the road to success.

“It’s been a steep learning curve,” says Anne. “But like any RaH franchise, we’ve had to build solid foundations to be successful long-term. That’s now paying dividends because I’m now able to step back and think strategically about the direction we want to take the business and how to grow.”

She adds: “It’s a wonderful sense of achievement to think that where our services didn’t exist before, there is now a Right at Home franchise based in the middle of the Sherwood community, and we created that.”

In the beginning

Anne grew up in South Wales and moved to Nottingham with her husband Dave in the late 80s. From there, she pursued a career in law, studying part-time while working for a chemical company.

She then spent 30 years working at Nottingham Law Centre, dealing with human rights issues and welfare rights, and eventually becoming a Housing Aid Solicitor.

“I was handling situations that were very difficult for people,” she recalls. “I could be that person who could remain calm and steer them through their options and choices and it was very rewarding.”

But as much as Anne enjoyed her job, she longed for a change in direction.

“I was doing the same thing day after day, with more and more cuts coming from central government. We were sticking a plaster over the issues, but the actual problems weren’t getting resolved,” she explains.

Caring for mum

Anne’s motivation for entering the care sector is atypical of other Franchise Owners in the network - most are determined to drive change after struggling to find quality care for their loved ones. But for Anne, the opposite was true - she was inspired by a positive experience she had when the team at Right at Home Bridgend cared for her mum.

“My mum, Mary, who is now 94, lived with both my sister and I during the pandemic. As restrictions lifted, she wanted to go back to South Wales, where she had lived for 60 years, but we were concerned because her health and cognitive skills had deteriorated,” Anne explains.

She adds: “Mum had friends where she lived, but she needed somebody to visit her on a daily basis to make sure she was eating and was safe and well. So, I rang numerous care agencies in South Wales and Right at Home absolutely outshone the others.

“Some agencies would ask me things like ‘what’s your postcode?’ and ‘can you afford us?’ before they asked anything about mum. Right at Home was completely different.”

During the two years that RaH cared for her mum, Anne came to understand the importance of remaining independent in your own home and providing support to those who need it most.

“I wanted to make sure that the people in my community received the same level of care that mum was receiving in South Wales. So that was the catalyst for the move,” explains Anne.

Balancing act

Anne had several meetings with National Office and received New Owner Induction Training before collecting the keys to her RaH business.

“Kate [Dilworth, Head of Network Development] was just brilliant. I was quite nervous making that first call to National Office, but she guided me through everything,” she recalls.

Anne continues: “Lynette [Waller, Head of Quality and Compliance] and Sharon [Scully, Head of Business Support], were also extremely helpful, I can’t fault the support they gave me.”

But as much as the National Office team guided Anne in the right direction, providing the systems, branding, and support to help make her business a success, the hard work had to come from her.

“The unexpected happens all the time, so you have to be resilient,” she says. “Last summer, we sadly lost four Clients in the space of a couple of weeks. That was emotionally challenging in itself, but we also had the mental challenge of retaining our valued staff after losing 150 hours of care virtually overnight.”

Anne adds: “We’re continually trying to attract new Clients and making sure we’ve got enough hours for the team. It’s a balancing act. Initially, I delivered a lot of care myself, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing because the team know I’ve been there, and I can appreciate the big responsibilities they have.”

Turning a corner

After facing early challenges, RaH Nottingham North has recently turned a corner and is on track for growth, thanks to the recruitment of a strong team of back-office staff and highly trained CareGivers.

“There was definitely a turning point when Sarah O’Connor, my current Registered Manager, joined us about eight months ago,” says Anne.

“Unfortunately, I’ve had two Registered Managers who didn’t work out so well, but Sarah is a breath of fresh air. She’s so professional and dedicated to her work.

“Also, after about a year of operating, the team had grown and were becoming more and more experienced, and those bonds were forming with their Clients.”

Huge rewards

After all the challenges Anne has faced in getting her RaH franchise off the ground, she often jokes to her team that she should have opened a doggy daycare service, but there’s a very special reason why she persevered through the tough times.

“The work we do is incredibly rewarding. When you start thinking ‘can I do this?’ and then you get a photo from a CareGiver saying they’ve taken someone out who’s not left their home in four years, that’s just amazing.”

Speaking of her proudest moments, Anne says: “One of our greatest achievements was really early on when we had a Client whose needs increased drastically overnight, to the point where we thought we’d have to hand their care over because the team was really new and small.

“But the team responded saying ‘we’ve got this’. They all pulled together and put in extra hours to care for their Client. That made me very proud.”

Anne adds: “More recently, we’d lost a Client and his son called to thank me for the care provided to his dad over the last 18 months and leading up to his death.

“He said that he knew we had always been great, but when the end was approaching his family witnessed such empathy and compassion from the team that they were frequently moved to tears. He said, ‘you can pay for excellent care, but you can’t pay someone to love your dad, and you did’.”

Anne says she is now able to take a step back from the day-to-day activities of managing the franchise and focus on the bigger picture – defining the vision and roadmap for the business and making strategic decisions.

“Each day becomes easier," she says.

“Two years down the line, I don’t take anything for granted, as we push to become commercially successful. I’d like to grow the team, but not dilute the quality – that’s the most important thing – making sure we keep the focus on the type of care we would want for our own mums,” says Anne.

“And I’d like to be more engaged with the community. We’re already doing this on a one-to-one basis with our Clients, but I would like to see if we can make a difference more broadly.”

Asked what advice she would give to budding entrepreneurs hoping to take on a Right at Home franchise, Anne says: “It’s hard work, but trust in the process. National office will tell you what the challenges are and won’t hide them from you, so follow their guidance because they’ve seen it all, 80 times over.”

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