Improved Payment Experience
Transaction growth and changing consumer preferences all signal it is time to engage with a new payment provider, Worldpay from FIS™. We offer quick-to-deploy payment solutions that you—and other franchisees—could benefit from by improving the brand experience all the way to customer checkout.
We hope to bring a consistent and improved payment experience across all franchises. An experience that caters to consumer preferences for a frictionless, seamless experience while bringing excellent insights to you and your team.
What you can expect from Worldpay
Seamless integration - Worldpay understands the requirements of integrating your systems, terminals, and online processing to streamline and maximise revenue.
Flexible solutions - Worldpay payment solutions support flexible operating models. And allow your customers to pay easily—at the till, on the move or online.
Consistent experience - Every step along the consumer buying journey is important and Worldpay could bring a consistent experience to your customers. Allowing them to pay how they want to and use the latest alternative payment methods.
Franchise testimonies

With 21 restaurants in Northern Ireland (and six in the north of England), Windmill NI is the region’s biggest Burger King franchisee. We spoke to Financial Controller Bernie Simpson about managing payments across multiple premises and how Worldpay from FIS helps her keep payments simple and costs down.
When it comes to payments services, Bernie looks for good value, simplicity: “I want to feel as though I’m running one business, and not 27. And a provider who doesn’t, well, make a meal of things.”
Bernie switched to Worldpay in November 2020. She describes the reasons for changing payment services providers as down to “lots of little things that started to add up.” There had been reconciliation problems, and her local support was taken away. “I got fed up dealing with them,” she says.
She looked at several alternatives and concluded that “Worldpay was the most impressive. Their pricing was competitive and, crucially, they had someone locally on the ground that I could speak to if I needed to.”
One of the ways that Worldpay helps her feel she’s managing one company and not dozens is the Worldpay Dashboard. Using this portal to log in to the Windmill NI account allows Bernie to easily manage things. “It’s a really good management tool. We can check on daily card takings for each restaurant and keep track of what’s coming in and when. It’s very user-friendly.”
The dashboard also helps the company keep its accounts paperless. “We can download the invoices every month and send them electronically to the accounting portal where they’re stored,” she explains.
It’s also useful for troubleshooting. “It makes it very easy to track down individual transactions in the event of a query,” she adds.
Bernie says the experience of working with Worldpay has been good right from the start. Importantly, support was available when it was needed.
“It makes a big difference to be able to have a meaningful working relationship with an individual from Worldpay who’s local and who’s in our corner,” she underscores.
Bernie singles out her regular Worldpay contact for particular praise. “Whatever I’ve thrown at her, she’s resolved it and in a timely manner. I receive great support.”
So, what’s next for Windmill NI? “We’re talking to Worldpay about using their Worldpay Total solution,” Bernie concludes.
"Making sure that we are providing fast and accurate menu service but doing it at speed is really critical to our success."
Kevin Hydes, Tim Hortons, Chief Commercial Officer for UK & Ireland.
Confirm your interest
Working with us could ensure you continue flourishing amid growing competition. Let your franchisor know you are interested and consent to engage with us at Worldpay.
We will help you get the fast, secure and reliable payment solution suited for your needs.