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Leveraging Expertise: Terry's Story with More Than Loft Ladders Franchise


Terry Davies, is the More Than Loft Ladders franchisee for Hereford, serving Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, and South Wales. With a background in the construction industry and a passion for helping people transform their homes, Terry found the franchise to be an ideal opportunity to leverage his expertise in loft ladders, hatches, lighting, and boarding installation.

Joining More Than Loft Ladders

When considering what franchise opportunity was best for him, Terry consulted with existing franchisees to understand both the business model and the supportive culture within the network. Terry emphasised the value of this support when he first joined the team, noting that he could “phone a more experienced franchisee,” for advice, and they were “more than accommodating.”

Terry’s experience so far as a More Than Loft Ladders franchisee has shown him “not to worry about asking questions,” as the support team and the franchisee network are always on hand. He stated, “Ask the questions and they get answered!”

An Expanding Business

The growing demand for loft expansions is reflected in Terry’s busy schedule. When asked about future plans, he explained, “Expansion—looking at the business plan, I think it may happen sooner rather than later with how busy we’ve become.”

Interested and want to know more about More Than Loft Ladders?

The More Than Loft Ladders profile outlines all aspects of their franchise opportunity and allows you to contact them for further information or to ask a question.

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