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Our holistic approach to your business


When it comes to job satisfaction, there’s nothing more satisfying than being your own boss! But, not having the right support, can impact your wellbeing – which is why joining a franchise, like InXpress, can be a better decision than starting-up on your own, all round. Something we’re committed to – and not just for World Wellbeing Week!

At InXpress, we know our franchisees are so satisfied with their businesses, many of them choose to invest back into their business and expand into new territories. So, what is it about InXpress, which connects with our franchise partners in this way? It could be we genuinely care about the people in our network.

When we talk about wellbeing, we don’t just mean your mental wellbeing. At InXpress, we take a holistic approach, so care about all aspects of you and your business: social, physical, emotional, financial, and community. At InXpress, we have a heavy focus on mentoring, from the Business Coach who supports you to the franchisee mentor who’ll guide you. This is because we’ve seen the positive impact it has on our franchisees, when they know they have people walking beside them, who will help them achieve their business growth goal.

Strong mentoring

Even without experience in the logistics industry, InXpress is committed to pairing you with the right support, so you can be successful in your own right. It’s why one franchisee – who’d sold his initial InXpress business a few years ago, was keen to come back into the network a couple of years later. James Griffin had noticed the difference whilst he was away from InXpress, and knew he needed to invest in another franchise with us.

So, he did. And he did so with his previous InXpress Mentor, Neil Hatt.  “When I first started, I was paired with Neil, one of InXpress’ top franchisees. His business was consistently hitting million-pound annual turn-over, so he was a good mentor who offered me exceptional insight into running my business. We became good friends, so when I’d sold my first InXpress franchise, I bought my second one, InXpress Cotswolds, in partnership with him. This is a good reflection of the kinds of connections you can build when you join InXpress!”

Support when things are tough

Being part of the franchise network, not only means you’re instantly part of a community of like-minded business owners, it also means when you face any kind of challenge, you have people to whom you can turn, who will help you. Something Matt Strutt from InXpress Gatwick personally experienced.

When his Business Coach recognised Matt was struggling a little, he immediately connected him with a franchisee mentor. Together, they showed Matt where to focus, in order to see growth in his business. As a result, Matt grew 125% on revenue and 148% margin, won InXpress' Rookie of the Year & Best Retention Awards and, by the end of 2022, was consistently one of our top 30 highest performing franchisees. “The InXpress Business Coaches and mentors were invaluable, especially during my first couple of years when things were tough thanks to Covid. Connecting with other franchise owners, like Mark Pell from InXpress Bournemouth, and Stuart Vant, from InXpress Cambridge, was a turning point. Without the support InXpress put in place for me, I'd never have achieved the growth I have.”

You’re more than a business owner

One of the core values of InXpress is Giving Back. This could mean supporting individuals within the network – such as gathering around fellow franchisees when they face personal health problems or providing medical equipment for health conditions people in the network have. Or it could mean supporting fundraising activities franchisees and their staff are involved in. Whatever is needed, our franchisees are all in!

The InXpress Gives Back team are committed to positively impacting the world outside InXpress and have seen some incredible acts of love and kindness. From donations to provide wheelchairs to children who want to enjoy life, not just endure it, to giving up time to train children with lifesaving skills, or take their family pet into schools and hospitals. InXpress franchisees pay forward the wellbeing support to others who need them.

Ready to invest in your career wellbeing?

Let’s arrange a time to talk, so you can hear for yourself about the benefits of joining the InXpress franchise. Your business success is our mission.

Interested and want to know more about InXpress?

The InXpress profile outlines all aspects of their franchise opportunity and allows you to contact them for further information or to ask a question.

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