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Celebrating 5 Years with OSCAR


Jo Cook & Hadrian Kibblewhite – The Vale of Evesham 

OSCAR gave us all the answers for a complete career change. With a lifestyle focused on our own pets and a past track record of volunteering for a number of animal charities, we were able to predict our future.

Guided by our love of pets we searched for the right opportunity, although there was not much to persuade us until we followed an OSCAR franchisee (online) with great interest. Information from the BFA, researching the competition in our area, and speaking to franchisees led to the ultimate Discovery meeting and a final decision.

There was so much to think about, and we have nothing but praise for the help and support given by Head Office, and franchisees, to take us through the process. At last, we had the option to manage our own business to suit our time, and we make a good team.

With my twenty years' experience of working with the public as a family law solicitor, I have the communication skills, and Hadrian's ongoing part-time work with animals adds the confidence we need to run a successful business.

Interested and want to know more about OSCAR Pet Foods ?

The OSCAR Pet Foods profile outlines all aspects of their franchise opportunity and allows you to contact them for further information or to ask a question.

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