Oven Wizards' Fanie van Zyl realises his investment!
Oven Wizards are pleased to report that one of their Franchisees has successfully realised his investment by selling his business.
Fanie van Zyl who owned and operated Oven Wizards Fleet and Farnborough said of his time with Oven Wizards
“I looked on several websites for an oven cleaning business and the first one I saw I went for an interview and demonstration. I was not very impressed with the explanation of the franchise and demonstration they gave me. I then made an appointment with Mark Abbott and John Graham at Oven Wizards and me and my wife went for an informal chat to see what the oven cleaning business was all about. We were very impressed from the start as they explained exactly to me what I could expect from an oven cleaning business. I would recommend if someone is buying a franchise you should make sure you meet the franchisors and get as much information as possible on what the franchise is all about.”
Fanie went on to say, “After the purchase of the Oven Wizards Franchise, I received my training and off I went, support was only a phone call away. My biggest challenge was to get fully booked and get good feedback from my customers. I was cleaning 3 ovens a day on a regular basis, which exceeded my expectations.”
With regards to the sale of his business Fanie said, “I decided to sell the business as we are moving back to Guernsey as my family and grandchildren are living there and we want to spend more time with them. The support from Mark and John from Oven Wizards was from day one very supportive. They helped me find my prospective buyer and they were only a phone call away when I needed any help.”
New Owner Mark Fitch is excited to put his stamp on the business, he says, “I’m looking forward to continuing Fanie’s hard work cleaning ovens in the Fleet and Farnborough Territory. I’m flat out at present, with lots of work, which is great for business and my fitness. A big thanks to Fanie for my initial training, I look forward to meeting other Wizards in the community next year.”
John Graham, Managing Director, Oven Wizards said “We have really enjoyed working with Fanie over the last few years, to help him launch and grow his Oven Wizards business in Fleet and Farnborough. He has now successfully sold his business to Mark Fitch, and we very much look forward to working with Mark to help him achieve his targets as he takes over the reins.”
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