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Walfinch's New Club Offers Free Socialising and Activities


The Walfinch Golden Memories Thrive Club at Margaret Powell House, Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes was launched on January 31 offering free activities to counter loneliness.

“We know that many older people experience loneliness, so we have launched this free activities session. It's part of Walfinch's Time to Thrive initiative, and means that people can enjoy group activities while socialising,” said Ninitha Thomas, the Care Manager at the Walfinch home care service. 

The club will take place on the last Friday of each month, from 1pm to 3pm, initially at Margaret Powell House, but later in other venues, to bring activities to people across the city.  Thrive Club sessions are free to anyone in the community.

The first meeting was dedicated to recycling Christmas cards. “They can be made into gift tags or bookmarks, Christmas wreaths, or folded into gift boxes,” Ninitha said.

Spandana Boppuri, Managing Director of Walfinch Milton Keynes, added: “Loneliness contributes to mental and physical health issues and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, but increasing community connections improves wellbeing and fosters healthier communities.

“Our professional carers will bring along clients who would like to attend, but we welcome anyone, including caregivers looking after loved ones with little or no help. They can experience loneliness and stress too.”

Local resident Anna Bayman, who took along an elderly lady who has vision problems, said: “I thought that she would appreciate going, and she did. You could tell that Spandana and Ninitha have a passion and love for people, but in particular for the lonely.”

Support from the Mayor

The club was opened by Milton Keynes Mayor Councillor Marie Bradburn, who has served on the Health and Adult Social Care committee and is a strong advocate of people from diverse backgrounds getting together. Councillor Bradburn is well-known for choosing as her Mayoral consorts two young people in care to accompany her on official visits.

Councillor Bradburn said: “I know first-hand that loneliness is a problem in our community because I support an 85 year-old lady. Where she lives there are no bus services, so it's hard for her to get out of the house unless I take her.” The Mayor looked forward to the sessions spreading to other areas of the city.

Addressing local concerns

“Mental health is becoming a cause of concern across Milton Keynes. I deal with multiple issues in our area on a regular basis,” said Councillor Manish Verma, who played a major role in creating the club, and co-opened it. “When I heard that Walfinch Milton Keynes was tackling loneliness and social issues with this club, it was close to my heart. I am looking forward in participating in as many events as I can and helping our residents.”

Volunteer Veena Jessy, who helped organise the event and served in the cafe, said: “I am sure that the Golden Memories Thrive Club will add value to the community.

“The people who came along were chatting amongst themselves straight away, and one, who is an experienced crafter, said she would like to help out with crafting activities at future thrive clubs. I want to volunteer at future club sessions too.”

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