Home Instead celebrates Best Employer ranking
Home Instead has been ranked number 3 in the Financial Times’ inaugural ‘Best Employers’ survey, alongside some of the 500 biggest brands in the UK, including Apple, HSBC, Waitrose and Specsavers.
The dominant industry sector among the ranking of 500 companies is Healthcare and Social, with Home Instead proud to be flying the flag as the only health or social care company in the top 10.
Around 20,000 employees were interviewed from a wide range of companies, and were asked for opinions on various statements relating to their employer. Topics included potential for development, company image, salary and working conditions.
The ranking was followed by a Financial Times article where CEO of Home Instead Martin Jones, MBE discussed Home Instead’s position in the listing.
The Financial Times was keen to explore the fact that some of the highest-scoring organisations are not those that offer the highest wages but rather offer purpose and prospects in sectors that are seeing significant growth as they keep pace with a rapidly ageing population.
In the article Martin explains the ‘five needs’ of employees that Home Instead lives by: self-esteem to help workers feel valued; being viewed as professionals to be supported, including with training; social needs of belonging and motivation; values that put clients at the centre of their mission; and monetary rewards, including pay, access to counselling and a range of broader support services.
Commenting on the ranking, Martin said, “We’ve always been committed to creating a workplace where people feel valued, supported, and empowered to make a real difference.
“Ranking third reflects the hard work, dedication and passion of every single member of our team.
“This recognition is due to the fact that our Care Professionals, franchise owners, key players and National Office team feel supported and valued. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey.”

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