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Reaching the glass ceiling led to franchising and Just Shutters

Hayley and Terry Lancaster embarked upon running the Just Shutters Essex business because Terry had reached the ‘glass ceiling’ in his career and the couple wanted to build something for their own future.

On track to blast their overall targets, Hayley and Terry have shown huge commitment to their business and are reaping the rewards. Here they discuss their motivations and successes as Just Shutters Business owners.

They say: ‘Overall we got a very good feeling about the people, how they looked after their own. We liked the brand and knew if we liked it we can sell it. The training was first class. The office support, the fact the customers call and the phone gets answered, the brochures get sent out takes the pressure off us.

Our experience has been overwhelmingly positive. The support we get is overwhelming. Would I recommend a Just Shutters Business? Yes – that’s it, there’s nothing else to say.’

Interested and want to know more about Just Shutters ?

The Just Shutters profile outlines all aspects of their franchise opportunity and allows you to contact them for further information or to ask a question.

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