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whichfranchise legal provides essential legal advice for those looking to buy or develop a franchise. We cannot stress enough how important it is that you always seek the appropriate legal advice from an accredited franchise lawyer; whichfranchise only works with those solicitors who are members of the British Franchise Association. If you wish to have a franchise agreement reviewed then our directory of solicitors should be your first port of call. If you are an existing franchisee or franchisor, and have a grievance or dispute, then our legal experts can provide you with some free initial advice. Or if you are looking to franchise your business or bring an international franchise to the UK, you will also need to seek the appropriate legal advice.

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legal document being written
The franchise legal stages

When buying a franchise there are several franchise legal stages you need to go through. Before signing any franchise agreement or other franchise legal documents, it is vital that you seek legal advice from a solicitor who specialises in franchising.


Franchise solicitor
Why use a franchise solicitor?

Lawyers, like doctors, are becoming increasingly specialised. You wouldn't really want your GP doing your heart bypass surgery, similarly you wouldn't want a lawyer with limited experience of franchising getting their hands on your franchise agreement.


agreement being signed
What is the franchise agreement?

In order to become a franchisee you will have to enter into a legal agreement with the franchisor, known as the Franchise Agreement. As there is no specific legislation or regulation for franchising, the franchise agreement becomes all-important in determining the rights and obligations of the franchisor and the franchisee and the relationship between them.


termintaing an agreement
Terminating a franchise agreement

A franchise relationship is one, which should be capable of subsisting over a long period of time. Nevertheless there will be occasions when it comes to an end. Most well-drafted franchise contracts will spell out clearly what is to happen upon the termination of a franchise contract for whatever reason.


people in discussion
Ask the legal experts

Franchising can be a very complex area and so it is imperative that you take legal advice from a BFA accredited Franchise solicitor. Getting the right legal advice now can prevent costly mistakes in the future. Our Ask the Expert section allows you to post questions regarding any legal issues or advice to our panel of franchise solicitors. Any initial enquiries are non-obligatory, confidential and FREE.

Post your questions to our panel of experts

people in dispute
Franchise disputes

Franchise disputes arise frequently, not because franchisors are necessarily keen to have a fight with their franchisees or the other way round, but because franchise agreements are complex, commercial contracts which last for a considerable period of time, normally between five and ten years and are entered into by a large number of people - many networks have 200 or more franchisees.


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